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For the woman who desires to be connected to the heartbeat of the Universe.

To live from ‘flow’ and 'wield her magic' whilst all of her desires CHASE HER.


Join me to Reclaim your Magic where you will reclaim your power as the true Creatress of your highest timeline,
your destiny and your most magical life


Are you tired of living life from the logical, mundane and monotonous rhythm that you have found yourself in?


Sick of over giving, feeling burnt out and lacking clarity on who you truly ARE?


Stop the people pleasing and start prioritising you so you can so you can rise into your fullest expression


Let go of the to do lists & overwhelm and find the calm & balance within so you can be present to the magic life is waiting to show you

Release fear stopping you from listening to your own feminine wisdom so you have crystal clear clarity and can move your life forward in the direction of your true desires

Open your channel to receive your divine feminine magic and increase your intuition and connection to Spirit

Learn to trust yourself, build your confidence and wield your magic so you can experience the fullness of the woman you know you are

Are you ready to re-claim your magic and create miracles in your world?


To move from a place of confidence, clarity and alignment

Week 1

Deepen your practice and your connection to Earth, Spirit and your true desires so you can wield your magic and create miracles in your world.

Expand your field and raise your frequency so you can open your channel to receive clarity & more divine feminine magic.

Move beyond your fears so you can feel safe to
listen to your own wisdom

and move your life forward in the direction of your dreams.

Learn to trust yourself and believe!!

It is time to rise into the powerful Creatress you are.

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

I am so ready for this...

Pay in full

Payment plan 4 weeks

  • 333$
  • 89$
    Every week
    Valid for 4 weeks


4 week coaching program August 2023

5 live calls

(including recordings)

Magical steps for your real life

Meditations (downloadable)

Sisterhood & Community

Support group chat

*Masterclass Bonus: 1 x Private transformation session (first 3 people to book)

Are you ready to RE-CLAIM YOUR MAGIC &
create miracles in your world?

Manda G Jennings, TruSelf Coaching

Master Practitioner Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line TherapyTM | Certified Master Hypnotherapist | Quantum Healing Practitioner

Manda G Jennings, TruSelf Coaching

Master Practitioner Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line TherapyTM | Certified Master Hypnotherapist | Quantum Healing Practitioner

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