"Thank you Manda for teaching me the greatest gift of my life"
~ Elitha
"I feel more like myself since having children 15 years ago"
"I feel stable for the first time in my life"
~ Sarah
"Manda I just want you to know how much of a difference you have made to my life. I have had one session with you and the transformation is phenomenal. I keep expecting to have a negative or anxious feeling in certain situations and they are just not there. It is like you have unwired 40 years of something that was not serving me. I am forever grateful for you"
~ Sheree
"Only a few weeks into The Creation Codes and I’m already feeling so different and for the first time ever I am actually putting myself first. When I was getting my hair done I looked at my reflection and I thought to myself “Wow, I really love this person in the mirror. I want to protect her at all costs. She is the most important person to me”. This is such a turning point for me as I can now see the value in myself and so many more possibilities for my life"
~ Kendall
"Thank you for such an incredible session. From pain, discomfort & agony mentally, emotionally & physically to freedom to move again in all my bodies. I feel free again, I am breathing again & my inner light is switched on again! I feel ok again, even more than just ok. This morning you listened to me more than anyone has ever listened to me. I felt so safe to bawl as I did right from the beginning of the call. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. The deep healing I have been needing to do got re-ignited today. Thank you for really listening & helping me move through my stuff. You have a magical way that you work. Thank you so much"
~ AC
"If you have a career or business dream that flies in the face of 'common-sense' and requires a leap from your comfort zone, then I highly recommend Manda G Jennings. In our sessions, Manda helped me to determine what I would have to navigate to get what I wanted and to trust that I could do it. Particularly helpful was how Manda created a map and timeline for my goal, and some communication strategies to help me share my plan with loved ones who struggled to understand what I was about to do."
~ Sue Moses
"Working with Manda has been life changing for me. When we first started working together I was most definitely a people pleaser, always putting everyone else before my needs, working too hard and not caring for self. I now have a better relationship with myself, my husband, and others. In the last week, there was no light bulb moment it was just an awakening, a feeling of “I’ve got this”. I now feel more confident in myself, am able to recognise when self sabotaging and can’t wait to continue this journey of being the best version of me. Thank you Thank you Thank you"
~ Aleta
"Manda at TruSelf Coaching is an amazing and truly gifted woman. I’ve been working with her in groups and individually for 3 years and cannot recommend her highly enough. Every conversation, activity or guidance allowed me to understand me as a woman better and to grow in calmness, strength and creativity. My outlook on the world is positive and those around me are also stronger and happier. Thanks Manda for everything and I’m so blessed to have reconnected with you in life. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Manda"
~ Fiona
I have just completed the Shift and it has been life changing. Before I felt very disconnected from myself and knew I had to change things but felt overwhelmed on how to do it. I was stressed, anxious, tired and unable to make clear decisions. Manda gave me the tools to go within and reconnect to myself. I feel more like myself than I have since having children 15 years ago, more connected to me and loving the journey that the Shift has started for me. I now trust my intuition and find it much easier to make decisions without second guessing myself.
"I feel stable. I feel stable for the first time in my life"
~ Sarah
“I started my spiritual journey 3 years ago after a profound experience. Spent thousands of dollars looking for answers. I ended up separated, depressed and low. The tools Manda has shown me have miraculously turned things around. I am about to go on holiday with my husband. I have so much love and gratitude for this beautiful soul”
"Simply mind blowing! It is one thing to cognitively understand your own issues and where they may originate from, but it is another to shift or dissolve those issues. Manda has changed and elevated my experience of every aspect of my life in ways that has blown my mind"
Video Testimonial, Jaime
Video Testimonial, Fiona
“I used to be stuck in my head and too scared to make a decision which meant I basically didn’t move anywhere for fear of making the wrong choice. Now I know how to listen to and honour my soul. I don’t care about what others think about my choices because I know they are right for me and that feels soooo empowering!”
Working with Amanda has given me better tools to use when dealing with difficult situations in my life. I've become much calmer in a world of chaos and I'm able to see a brighter future. I'm so grateful for Manda's support and guidance.
“The timeline work we did was mind blowing!! Wow!!!! If you want to get out of your head and learn tools to help connect you with your intuition, Manda can show you the way”
“I reached out to Manda for help because I was experiencing paralyzing anxiety. After my first session with Manda the unsettling feeling of anxiety disappeared completely for 24hours. Which was astounding! After my second session Manda did a ‘time-line healing’ with me & I am absolutely blown away with the results. Not only did my anxiety subside but my perception around particular things in my life that were causing me to feel so unsettled have completely changed! It’s as though my brain went from being a disorganized, overflowing filing cabinet, to a well ordered & simplified one. I feel relaxed, confident & it seems to have freed up so much space in my mind. It’s fascinating!”
I came out of the Shift with so many personal break throughs and Manda has opened so many doors for me to discover, heal and learn from. I am an emotional human being and something that I really liked was the light fun approach to healing work. I struggle to talk about my emotions and what was going on but Manda has taught me that you can still do the work, just don't be so hard on yourself. We would laugh at things and make sense of them in a fun way.
Since my session with Manda 7 weeks ago I have lost 10kg and feel amazing and way better equipped to handle and enjoy life as it happens.
“Thanks so much Manda! I am not sure I really believe in past lives, however I knew I desperately needed an energy change and fast, nothing else was working. The feelings I was experiencing changed immediately. My legs went numb and I felt like I was no longer walking in mud. When I listened to this sad song I no longer felt sad, the feelings had moved and shifted. I’ve been so much stronger about the decisions of what I’ve been eating and drinking. I’m feeling great!
“Over these past 6 weeks I have learnt so many useful tools / ways to shift my energy, change my thoughts, clear my energy and to simply be more aware of how I am feeling. One of the big realisations has been it doesn't take a long time to make an energy shift and doing this type of work doesn't have to feel hard. I absolutely loved this program”
“From the very first interaction with Manda I felt connected. Doing this course has changed my life. Manda has taught me so many tools to integrate my deep knowing into my everyday life. I highly recommend Manda if you want to find the amazingness you know is within you. So much gratitude for this woman.
“I recently finished Manda’s course and just wow!!! I learnt so much about myself over the 6 weeks and the shifts I’ve had in my life are pretty profound! I would definitely recommend it! Manda is truly an inspiration and a wonderful teacher. I’m so grateful that our paths have crossed and consider her a friend for life. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou,
“Manda is Magic! I adore how she works so intuitively and can tap into what is going on for you and assist to quickly to shift & re-align you to your truth instantly! My recent session with Manda left me not only feeling calm and centred but opened avenues for me to explore possibilities I wasn't previously aware of. She allowed me to open my connection to the higher divine for the perfect guidance required in that moment. Thank you beautiful soul, you are exquisite xx
“Manda was amazing for me. I started out very depressed and very negative and was holding onto a lot of baggage mostly from a divorce. She gave me the tools to combat these issues. I now have a different approach to life . I have given up alcohol and am open to trying new things such as meditation, mindfulness and spirituality which is a massive change for me . I would recommend Manda to anyone stuck in a rut and trying to find happiness. Everyone has issues and I have found it so helpful getting to the bottom of them
“Manda. Where do I begin! When I first met Manda I was at the lowest time in my life. I was very very fragile. Her positivity and genuine care inspired me. Manda was able to get to the very source of my issues and taught me to look at my thought pattern and the negative effects I was bringing on myself. Through various sessions, I’ve learnt to practise these daily. I’m grateful for all I have. I remember telling myself in one of my early sessions that if I could apply Manda’s teachings every day, I would be ok! So this is what I continue to do. I’m not perfect but I’ve definitely come a long way thanks to Manda’s genuine ability to connect, understand and really care... Manda, you are amazing!”